Our Chaplain’s Wings program seeks to serve active-duty U.S. service members by supporting the efforts of military chaplains embedded with units serving overseas or at sea. We provide letters of encouragement and appreciation for those who stand in harm’s way as a way to let them know that they are not forgotten. And we seasonally send care packages to chaplains abroad to help them help those whom they serve.
A recent note from one of our chaplains make clear what a difference we can make: “Dear Friends at HSLC, Greetings from Afghanistan! We are redeploying soon, but I sure want to say thanks to all of you for the generous support you’ve given to me and our troops in Task Force Geronimo. I can tell that all you have done for us is a labor of love, and that we are truly grateful. Your support, your prayers and your encouragement help me to speak the gospel into the lives of those with whom I serve. Thanks!”
We encourage members and friends of Holy Shepherd to write brief personal notes of encouragement and appreciation. You can use the Chaplain’s Wings stationary which can be accessed HERE. We would recommend that each letter be handwritten and that the writer simply sign his/her first name (and print name, if signature not all that legible). Kids are strongly encouraged to draw and share pictures! Among the things you may want to convey in your note/letter are things like:
- THANK our service members for their dedicated service,
- ACKNOWLEDGE their sacrifices and the hardships that they face,
- REMIND them that they are not forgotten,
- APPRECIATE what they are doing in the name of liberty and justice for all,
- ENCOURAGE them to not lose hope,
- SHARE with them a simple blessing.
Return your letter to our church office, and the members of our Chaplain’s Wings crew will ensure that it gets into the hands (and hearts) of those in need.