When Jesus is introduced in each of the four gospels, one of the first titles that he is given is that of “Teacher”. Before he is named ‘Lord’ — before he is called ‘Messiah’ or ‘The Christ’ — he is referred to simply as ‘Teacher’. And those folks who follow him are called his ‘disciples’ — which is really a fancy way of saying “students of a particular teacher”. Our congregation is committed to remember that faith-education is for disciples of ALL ages! No one is too old or too young to learn from Jesus. By finding a learning opportunity that works for you and joining in the conversation, you’ll be living out your calling to be a disciple of the One who is truly the Good Teacher!
Current Adult Ed. opportunities include…
It started as a way to stay connected with one another and God’s Word during the dark days of the Pandemic, but it’s become so much more than that! Our weekly (Tuesday evenings at 7pm) ‘Zoom’-based online Adult Education has become both a great learning opportunity and great connecting opportunity. This conversational and devotional study opportunity focuses on the Scripture lesson read in worship the previous Sunday, and allows for reflection both on what the text ‘means’ and what the text ‘means for us’.
‘Zoom Adult Ed. meets most Tuesday nights at 7pm from September to May
Zoom Meeting ID# 861 5874 8710
Zoom Password 94563
ACADEMIC BIBLE STUDY — ‘New Testament 101’
Pastor John’s “New Testament 101” Bible/book study resumed on September 6th following its Summer break! This twice-monthly study group — which utilizes N.T. Wright’s hefty tome The New Testament in Its World as a conversation guide — helps participants to better understand the history, literature and theology of the first Christians. Academic Bible Study uses a ’hybrid’ learning format, which means the course can be accessed in-person in our Center for Ministry building or via Zoom. For more information, contact class coordinator Bob Bauer or Pastor John.
The Women’s Book Club has resumed their regular meetings on Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. in the CFM (our Center for Ministry building). Besides discussing their current book, they sip warm beverages and nibble on treats. IF you’re interested in joining, they’d love to have you. Speak with Bethany Valentine or Juanita Gilbertson for more information.
PJ’S BOOK CLUB (currently on hiatus)
Want to learn more about this world in which we move and live and have our being? PJ’s Book Club is a non-fiction Book Club, focusing on current works of history, morality, sociology and cultural geography. Pastor John has declared himself dictatorial selector of reading materials for PJ’s Book Club until further notice! For more information about upcoming events (and the required reading list), speak with Pastor John or shoot him an email at jvalentine@holyshepherd.org.